The Chemistry of Peace 

Linus Pauling won his first Noble Prize for Chemistry. He discovered the nature of chemical bonds. The implications are enormous. Everything is connected to everything else at a most fundamental level.  

Due to the encouragement of his wife, and his knowledge of the inter-connectiveness of all things, Dr. Pauling became an activist for peace. When you see the bonds between molecules, you can also see the bonds between all people and all things.  

He was blacklisted; his passport denied; he lost grants, and was shunned by the media and fearful fellow scientists for his peace activities.  

Then Dr. Pauling won his second Noble Prize for Peace.  

As a matter of course, American Nobel Prize winners were invited to the White House.  

Outside the White House was a demonstration against nuclear testing.  

On the way to his black-tie reception at the White House, Dr. Pauling joined the demonstration.  

Caroline Kennedy asked her mom, "What did Daddy do wrong? Dr. Pauling is picketing the White House."  

After the protest, Dr. Pauling joined the state dinner at the White House in his honor.  

Everything is connected.  

The Chemistry of Peace. 

The Linus Pauling Exhibit is a celebration of Dr. Pauling’s life.