Suzy's Complaint 

When Suzy did heroin, she complained. After she began practicing and quit heroin, she was awake more, and therefore complained more. It was the easiest, most natural thing for her to do. 

Gene hated the government, his landlord, and his boss. Gene did like his dog, though. A big, smelly, lazy, loyal thing. 

Both heard the GakkaiSpeak many times: "If you complain — you lose benefit!" In one ear, out the other. 

After dropping Suzy off one night, Kathy (my wife) said: "Everyone likes to complain, but no one like to hear complaints." Deep, huh? 

To me, complaints indicate a mission to improve adverse conditions for oneself and others. But Kathy decided to apply the Gakkai theory that "People can rub each other the wrong way to make well-rounded people." In a moment of inspiration, Kathy offered to give Suzy and Gene a ride home. Together. Even though they lived in opposite directions. 

They sat in the back. Kathy and I were quiet. We heard a stereophonic symphony of complaining. Woofers and tweeters going full blast in a wide-ranging duet of criticisms. 

After dropping Gene off, Suzy asked "Do I sound like that? I will never complain again." When we got home Gene called and said: "Now I understand why I lose benefit by complaining. I will not complain again." 

We smiled, and thought about the great missions of Suzy and Gene. 

Sometimes they forgot their promises and when they did, we gave them both rides home. Together. 

This is the round teaching.