Tina Turner and the Battered Women

Tina Turner's life is the real star of the movie "What's Love Got to Do with It". 

She was a battered woman who started to chant. Then she stood up for herself. She renounced everything but her identity and won in life. 

In Washington DC, there is a shelter for battered women. When these women saw the film they cheered when Tina fought back. It became their favorite movie. They watched it again and again. They also started to chant "Nam Myoho-renge-kyo" just like Tina did in the movie. 

One of these women (Selma) found her way to the DC Community Center for an introductory Buddhist meeting. 

She told us that when she told her counselor that she wanted to go to a Buddhist meeting, the counselor told her: "Buddhism is of the Devil" and that she "shouldn't even get involved with that mess." 

Another counselor told Selma that she should go and that she might like it. She said that she had a friend that practiced Buddhism and that nothing bad had happened to her. Selma liked that counselor better. She figured, "If it is good enough for Tina Turner it is good enough for me." 

After everything was explained at the Buddhist meeting, Ronnie Smith (our region leader) invited the guests to ask any question that they might have. 

Selma raised her hand and said: "When I first walked in the room, I saw Black people, Chinese, and Whites. This Nam moho must work for everyone. I am here because I want to chant Nam moho just like Tina Turner." 

After the meeting, about six SGI members sat next to her and taught her how to pronounce the words. 

Selma now chants just like Tina Turner.